Saturday, May 24-25, 2025

Course map of 2023 Crown of the Crest was a 10 mile loop. We do not have a 2025 course map available at this time because part of the new course is on private property and we cannot encourage training on these trails prior to race day.

What this race supports

Proceeds from Crown of the Crest goes directly back into the trails and facilities we love at Calvin Crest Camp Conference Center


Located just southwest of Fremont, NE, Calvin Crest is a single track loop located on the bluffs of the Platte River with a distance of approximately 10 miles per loop.

There is an estimated 900 feet in elevation gain and 1,400 feet of max elevation.

The trail starts at the top of the bluff and rolls down and up into the center spine of cedars. Calvin Crest is like a roller coaster in some spots and has some pretty tough climbs out there. Expect switchbacks and roots as the trail can be technical in some areas during the loop. This area is very scenic and cuts through a bluff on the Platte River. The course will be well marked with directional arrows, orange tape, and ground markings.

View from inside the lodge before the start of the 2023 Crown of the Crest 100 mile race.


Race Details

  • Crown of the Crest consists of four different races: 100-miler, Marathon (26.2 mile), Lucky 13 (13-hour run), Half marathon (13.1 mile), plus the chance to run the Double Crown (Marathon and Half Marathon)

  • Surface is 80% single track and 20% double track dirt trail through the woods along the Platte River in Fremont, NE

  • 1 loop = 10 miles

  • Elevation change per loop = approximately 900 feet

  • There will be swag for all runners

Race Location

  • Crown of the Crest is located at Calvin Crest Camp Conference & Retreat Center in Fremont, Nebraska.

  • Calvin Crest: The Start/Finish is at the Calvin Crest Camp Conference Center (2870 Co Rd 13, Fremont, NE 68025).

    Use the addresses above when entering into your GPS. We can’t guarantee other addresses you may find online!

Quick INFO

  • Race Date: Saturday May 24 - Sunday May 25, 2025

  • Location: Calvin Crest in Fremont, Nebraska

  • Start Time for 100 milers: 5 a.m. Saturday

  • Start Time for Marathon (and Double Crown): 6 a.m. Saturday

  • Start time for Lucky 13: 1:00 a.m. Sunday

  • Start time for Half Marathon (and Double Crown Part II): 7:00 a.m. Sunday

  • Cut-off times: 100-milers have 33 hours. All Distances must be done by 2:00 p.m. on Sunday May 26.

Entry Fees

  • 100-mile $190 through March 31st, 2025, $210 after that

  • Lucky 13 $90 through March 31st, 2025, $110 after that

  • Double Crown (26.2 + 13.1) $90 through March 31st, 2025, $110 after that

  • Marathon $70 through March 31st, 2025, $90 after that

  • Half Marathon $50 through March 31st, 2025, $60 after that

  • Registration cap: 150 total runners

Packet Pickup

Race Day Packet Pickup ONLY.

Race day schedule

  • ​Runners can pick up their packets up to 90 minutes before the start of their race.

  • Mandatory prerace briefing: 10 minutes before the start of every race.


There will be a fully stocked aid station located at the Start/Finish, as well an aid station at the 4.5 mile mark. We will supply water at both aid stations. Runners are encouraged to bring drop bags with their desired nutrition and supplies, which can be left at the Start/Finish inside the lodge. This area is protected from the elements and monitored throughout the duration of the race.

You must have a hydration device.

Nutrition will be provided, but if there is something you know you will want, please plan for this.


For the 100 milers, pacers are allowed after 50 miles have been completed. Pacers are allowed after sun up for the Lucky 13. Runners must start at the designated starting time for the event they have entered.

NO Alcohol or smoking!

There is absolutely NO ALCOHOL allowed on the property at Calvin Crest. Calvin Crest is an alcohol-free facility and we will respect their rules. If ANYONE is seen with alcohol, they will be asked to leave the race entirely. Any runner seen drinking alcohol or with alcohol will be disqualified from the race immediately.

Smoking is not allowed at Calvin Crest at any time.